Blueberry Picking in the Rain on Flattop

by Heidi Obermeyer

On our last day in Anchorage, Ali and I decided that we had to get out and do something, despite the rain. It rained A LOT. Our kayaking day was pretty much the only day we got completely lucky with the weather, and I’m okay with that since it was a pretty weather-dependent thing to go do.
We went to hike (or partially hike… or pretty much just see how we were feeling and how rainy it really was) Flattop Mountain, which is a popular hike really close to town. Some days, despite the rain, everything clicks and you have a marvelous time. This was one of those days. We didn’t really hike much- in fact, I don’t know if we even got halfway up the mountain- but we just got to chatting and hunting for blueberries until our hands got too cold. We didn’t bring a container with us, so everything we found was eaten up just a few seconds after we discovered any untouched clumps. Wild berries are just the greatest. And did you see how bright that fireweed is? It was all over the place! I guess that’s what happens when a state gets actual moisture. Colorado is many things, but often-rained-upon is not one of them.
That pretty much wraps up my Alaska recap- I can’t wait to go back! Tonight I’m heading out East to see the fam before I leave for England on the 20th- it’s coming up! 🙂 On a musical note, I have been obsessed with Gregory Alan Isakov lately- check him out for ear happiness.